domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

I CAN'T HEAR YOU (Page 27)

  • Pre-listening activities
Before the song, the teacher will give the students pictures about the song and some vocabulary. The teacher asks the students what they think about the pictures, what they can do and what they can't, they can imitate the pictures... After that, they will have to connect the pictures with the correct vocabulary about it. 
  • Activities to do while listening
A sing-along activity. The teacher plays the song three times. The first time, just for listening. The second time is for singing along. The teacher stops the song and students have to repeat what they have heard. The third time, they listen to the song and have to sing alone and imitate what they are singing.
  • Post-activities
The teacher divides the class into four groups. One group asks: can you imitate...? to the other groups and they have to imitate it. Each student has to decide what he/she is going to imitate. The other groups have to guess it.

The phrases are:
    • Count to three
    • Move your toes
    • Drink the sea
    • Touch the sky
    • Raise your hand
    • Count to five
    • Touch your nose
    • Clap your hands

1 comentario:

  1. Así va a ser hasta divertido eso de aprender inglés... ¿Eh?

    Buena suerte con tu nuevo blog, Leirita!!! ;)
